Increasing Your Effectiveness Through Clarity Of Choice
The quality and clarity of our decisions shape our careers and lives. Leadership decisions mold business success. Looking at decision-making from this perspective make us realize that the ability to make clear decisions is a critical asset available to us for success.
However, many of us never question our decision-making style until we are faced with a particularly tough decision with dire consequences. When we stop to look, we rarely find a method. We usually find a big mess. We discover that sometimes we make random choices or that decisions are made for us by outside circumstances and we just comply. In sharp contrast, effective leaders focus on the critical asset of decision-making and improve it with every choice they make. As a result, many skilled leaders make their decision-making look effortless and easy.
Drawing on her breakthrough research at MIT with over 100 CEOs, Luda presents practical, proven techniques for gaining clarity in decisions, so managers can make consistently better decisions-and make them more rapidly. Luda pioneered the use of a Clarity State for decision making. Clarity State is a state of balance of physical, emotional and mental systems, which is known to increase our effectiveness. Luda entertains and drives her points home by using relatable stories and research to build a case that learning to deeply align with your decisions will make you more successful in life and in business. She'll show how to get a competitive edge by learning to achieve decision clarity faster and easier.
She discusses the process of attaining the Clarity State that helps managers get in touch with their "gut" in making the really big decisions - decisions they can't get wrong. Using Luda's simple process that utilizes the Clarity State and includes steps of structuring decisions, dealing with emotions, shifting perspectives and aligning with outcomes, a stunning 93 percent of CEOs made clear strategic decisions within 90 minutes or less-even when these decisions had been sitting unresolved for weeks or months. Luda inspires us all to become every bit as effective.
This tailored keynote presentation outlines how the ability to make clear choices is the key to personal and business success and happiness. Luda's presentation will draw extensively from her latest book, The Right Decision Every Time: How to Reach Perfect Clarity on Tough Decisions, published by Prentice Hall in October 2005.
Join Luda as she challenges us to examine our decision making skills and dramatically improve them.